Friday, October 23, 2009

music is all around us, all we have to do is listen...

it's easy.
but, sometimes the music that we will listen not the same as the other want to listen.
each only wants to listen to their favorite music.

if so....
you can imagine, what will happen later..

Friday, October 16, 2009

3 things I really want in life

there are 3 things I really want in life :
1. being a wife
2. become a mother
3. work from home

it seems very simple...right ?
but, it's not something that simple :(
it's so hard to make it happen.
okay..okay...for number 1 and 2 has been fulfilled *with laughters and tears...hahahahhaha*
for number 3, seems very difficult to be realized...
need more struggle....take a long time...need sincerity...more sacrifice... *ooouughhhhh.....*

but, heeyyyy.... I'll keep trying to make it happen :D
just wait and see...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

it's all about trying

you try...
you fail..

you try...
you fail...

you try...
you fail...

but the real failure is when you are stop trying....

Monday, October 12, 2009

it's my birthday....

many greetings..
many wishes...
many prayers..
which has been given to me today
thank you Allah... I still can breathe today.
thanks my dear family..for all supporting, love, sincerity..
thanks my dear friends...for attention and love...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

hujan...tak mampu hilangkan hangat mu

hujan.......tak mampu hilangkan hangat mu
ya iyaaalaaaahhh, wong hujan nya cuma sebentaran...dah gitu turunnya juga pake malu-malu...
gimana mau mengalahkan sisa-sisa panas nya matahari yang sudah berhari-hari....???
yaaahh, wajarlah....hangat mu masih terasa hai matahari....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ku ingin kau inginkan ku, seperti ku inginkan mu...

penggalan kalimat itu, gw ambil dari soundtrack film horor *gw lupa apa judulnya, secara ga hobi nonton film horor...*
almost every morning, gw denger lagu ini dalam perjalanan ke kantor.
hanya penggalan lirik itu yang gw hafal dan spinning around in my head ..hehehhe.
mungkin karena gw seneng dan setuju sama kata2 itu.
menurut gw kata2 itu pas banget buat suatu hubungan. hubungan apapun...
kalo keinginan cuma datang dari satu pihak, berarti ada paksaan di pihak lain.
timpang, ga harmonis, bertepuk sebelah tangan, ga seimbang, pasti ada yang tersakiti...tragis
kalo semua hubungan *apapun itu* bisa seperti penggalan lirik itu....heeemmmm heaven on earth

kuingin kau ingin kan ku, seperti ku inginkan mu....

Saturday, August 22, 2009